Sunday, December 25, 2022

Electrical and Electronics Measurement Retest Question Bank

Electrical and Electronics Measurement

Retest Question Bank


1.    Unit 1- Errors based problem, PMMC & MI based problem

2.    Unit 2- Measurement of iron loss-based problems

3.    Unit 3 – AC and DC Bridges based problem

Part – B

16 Marks:

1.     Explain the static and dynamic characteristics of an instrumentation system.

2.      Elaborate the working of moving iron instrument and derive the torque equation of the moving iron instruments.

3.      Elaborate the working of moving coil instrument and derive the torque equation of the moving iron instruments.

4.     Illustrate in detail the construction and working of an electrodynamometer type wattmeter.

5.     With a neat sketch explain single phase (induction type) three phase energy meters.

6.     State Blondel’s theorem and explain how the power measurement using two wattmeter method.

7.     Describe the step by process involved in determination of B-H curve and hysteresis loop.

8.     Explain the measurement of iron losses through two wattmeter method with test setup and derive the expression for total iron losses.

9.     Summarize the role of instrument transformer in measuring applications.

10.  Illustrate the modern slide wire DC potentiometer and discuss how the potentiometer is standardized.

11.  Describe the calculation procedure to measure resistance by Wheatstone bridge.

12.  Derive the expression for measurement of unknown capacitance with a neat bridge circuit.

13.  Describe the measuring procedure for Anderson bridge

14.  Illustrate the construction and working principle of Magnetic tape recorder.

15.  Discuss in detail about the LED (include seven segment display) and LCD displays

16.  Along with functional block diagram, explain the operation of a Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

17.  What is a Data logger? What are its basic components? What are the functions of data logger?

18.  Elaborate the types of resistive and inductive transducers used for measuring pressure.

19.  Describe briefly data acquisition system with generalized block diagram; explain its function and objectives.

20.  Elaborate smart sensors with built in features. Compare with conventional sensors.


1.      Draw the block diagram showing the basic functional elements of an instrument and explain the function of each.

2.     Describe in detail about standard and explain its classification

3.     Explain the three types of operating torques in detail

4.      Classify the different types of error in measurement? Explain

5.     Explain in detail the calibration techniques.

6.     Write a short note on Plotters

7.     Describe about various grounding techniques.

8.     Explain electrostatic and electromagnetic interference affected in instruments

9.     Describe the working principle of piezoelectric transducer.

10.  Discuss in detail about Hall effect transducer and mention some applications of Hall effect transducer.

11.  Discuss in detail about digital transducer

12.  Explain thermal imagers in detail.


Part -A

1.     Problems based on static error, Arithmetic mean, SD, Variance

2.     Define Units.

3.     Compare Fundamental and derived units.

4.     Explain how MC &MI used as an ammeter and voltmeter.

5.     Compare between gravity control and spring control

6.     Illustrate multi-meter and explain briefly

7.     Mention the type of frequency meter.

8.     Draw Weston frequency meter and explain briefly.

9.     Describe the measurement of phase using measuring instrument.

10.  Infer how Maxwell’s bridges differ from Anderson bridge, although both are used for measuring inductance?

11.  Illustrate kelvin double bridge with balance equations

12.  With a neat sketch explain about maxwell inductance bridge.

13.  Briefly explain about transformer ratio bridge.

14.  List out the methods to reduce the interference

15.  Illustrate Lissajous pattern.

16.  Compare plotters with printers

17.  Briefly explain about DSO with its block diagram.

18.  Illustrate in detail about intelligent instrument.

19.  List out the selection criteria for transducers

20.  Briefly explain about capacitive transducer

21.  Define transducer and explain its classification with an example.

22.  Is capacitive transducer, which principle exhibit linear characteristic? How?


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