Sunday, April 22, 2018

Drive Characteristics Question Bank

Part - A

UNIT - 1
1.    Write down the fundamental torque equation of motor load system?
where TM  - motor torque  in N-m ; TL - load torque in N-m ; J - moment of inertia of drive system in Kg-m2   w -  angular velocity in mechanical radians/sec

2.    Write the differential equation which describes the motor load system?

3.    What are the disadvantages of DC motor as compared to AC motor?
Due to presence of commutator and brushes dc motor have a number of   
Disadvantages such as
i) High cost, weight and volume
ii)  Need for frequent maintenance
iii) Unsuitable for explosive and contaminated environments
 iv) Restrictions on maximum voltage speed and power ratings.

4.    What is dynamic torque?
Toque component J (dωm/dt) is called the dynamic torque because it is present only during the transient operations.
5.    Draw the load torque characteristics of constant power loads.

6.    What is active and passive load torques? Give examples.
            Active torques: Load torque which have the potential to drive the motor under equilibrium condition are called active load torques. Such load torques usually retains their sign when the direction of the drive rotation is changed. Torques due to either gravitational force or deformation in elastic bodies, come under this category.
            Ex: Hoists, lifts or elevators and railway locomotives
            Passive torques: Load torques which always oppose the motion and change their sign on the reversal of motion are called passive load torques.  Such torques is due to friction, windage, cutting etc.
Ex: lathes, fan, pumps etc.

7.    What are the three modes of operation of an electric drive?
a)    Steady state b) Acceleration including starting c) Deceleration including stopping
8.    List the applications of electrical drives.
i) Electric propulsion ii) Pumps, fans and compressors  iii) Automotive applications iv) Cement, paper, pulp and textile mills v) Conveyors, elevators, escalators and lifts

9.    State the conditions for steady state stability of motor load system?
TM<TL i.e., dw/dt =0 i.e., the motor will continue to run at the same speed, if it were running or will continue to be at rest, if it were not running.

10.  What is regenerative braking
In regenerative braking, generated energy is supplied to the source. For this to happen the following condition should be satisfied E>V and negative Ia

11.  Sketch the speed torque characteristics curve of a fan type load.
The torque produced by the fan is directly proportional to the square of the speed throughout the range of usable fan speeds. Centrifugal pumps, propellers in ships or aeroplane also have the same type of speed torque characteristic.

12.  When does an equilibrium point be stable in speed torque plane of motor load system?

13.  Define electrical drive.
Systems employed for motion control are called drives and may employ any one of the   prime mover such as diesel, gas, hydraulic and electric motor for supplying mechanical energy for motion control. Drive employing electric motor is known as electric drives.

14.  Draw the block diagram of electrical drive.

15.  List out the advantages of electric drive
            i) Flexible control characteristics
            ii) Wide range of torque, speed and power
            iii) High efficiency
            iv) Can operate in all four quadrant of speed torque plane.
            v) Adaptability to almost any type of environmental or operating conditions

16.  What are the functions of a power modulator?
i) Modulates flow of power from the source to the motor
ii) During transient operations, such as starting, braking and speed reversal, it restricts source and motor currents within permissible values
iii) Converts electrical energy of the source in the form suitable to the motor.
iv) Selects the mode of operation of the motor, i.e. motoring or braking.

17.  List out the classification of electrical drive
Load and environment
Continuous or intermittent, positive, negative, constant or variable in magnitude.

Temperature, humidity, vibration and shocks
Modes of operation
Continuous duty
Short time duty
Intermittent duty

Mode of control

Number of machines and interrelations
Individual drive
Group drive
Multi motor drive

Dynamics and transients
 Uncontrolled transient                period
Controlled transient period

Methods of speed control
     Reversible and non   reversible smooth speed control
       Reversible and non reversible step speed control

18.  Explain group drive with its merits and demerits.
Group Drive consists of a single motor which actuates several machines by means of          one or more line shafts it is most economical compare to other drive.
A.    The efficiency of the drive is low, because of the losses occurring in several transmitting mechanisms.
B.    Any fault that occurs in the driving motor renders all the driven equipment idle.
C.   Power loss take place in energy transmitting mechanism
D.   The level of noise produced at the work site is quite high

In brief describe about the Individual drive.
In the individual drive, an electric motor is used for transmitting motion to various parts or mechanisms belonging to single equipment.
Ex: Lathe machine
 In the case of individual drive too, the energy is transmitted to the different parts of the same mechanism by means of gears, pulley etc. Hence there occurs some power loss. This disadvantage is removed in the multi motor drive.

19.  In brief describe about the Multi motor drive.
In multi motor drives, separate motors are provided for actuating different parts of the driven mechanism.
Example: Travelling cranes, Paper mills & rolling mills

20.  Compare Individual Drive and Group Drive

Individual Drive
Group Drive
Initial cost
Machine attached
More than one
More likely used
 For job production
For mass production

21.  Write a brief note on the motors employed in variable speed drives.
i) AC motors (Induction and Synchronous) are employed in variable speed drive due to the development of semiconductor converter.
ii) Due to presence of commutator and brushes dc motors are not employed in variable speed drive.
iii) Special machines – Switched reluctance motor

22.  List out the load torques that varies with time.
             Continuous constant loads - Centrifugal pumps or fan operating for a long time  
                                                            Under the same conditions
 Continuous variable loads - Metal cutting lathes, conveyors etc.
Pulsating loads                   - Reciprocating pumps and compressors & textile looms
Impact loads                       - Rolling mills, presses and forging hammers
Short time intermittent loads - Excavators and cranes
Short time load               - Servo Motors and motor generator sets for charging batteries.

23.  What are the main factors which decide the choice of electrical drive for a given application?
i) steady state operation requirements ii) Transient operation requirements iii) Requirements related to the source iv) Capital and running cost v) Space and weight restrictions
24.  List out the disadvantages of mechanical braking
Mechanical braking has number of disadvantages: Frequent maintenance and replacement of brake shoes, lower life, braking power is always wasted as heat.

25.  State and explain the functions of various converters.
i) AC to DC converters
ii) AC regulators (to get variable ac voltage of the same frequency from a source of fixed ac voltage)
iii) Choppers (to get variable dc voltage from a source of fixed dc voltage)
iv) Inverters
v) Cycloconverter (fixed voltage and frequency ac to variable voltage and variable frequency ac)

26.  Explain i) Friction torque ii) Windage torque
Friction torque Tf: Friction will be present at the motor shaft and also in various parts of the load. Tf is equivalent value of various friction torques referred to the motor shaft.
Windage torque: When a motor runs, wind generates a torque opposing the motion. This is known as windage torque.

27.  What is the current status of dc and ac drives?
In the past induction and synchronous motor drives were mainly used in fixed speed applications. Variable speed applications were dominated by dc drives. Emergence of thyristors leads to the development of variable speed induction motor drive.
Although the induction motor was cheaper than dc motor, the converter and control circuit of an induction motor was very expensive.

28.  Explain what do you understand by the steady state stability? What is the main assumption?
Concept of steady state stability has been developed to readily evaluate the stability of an equilibrium point from steady state speed torque curves of the motor and load, thus avoiding solution of differential equations valid for transient operation of the drive. During transient operation, motor can be assumed to be in electrical equilibrium implying that steady state sped torque curves are also applicable to the transient operation.

29.  Explain how the following speed transitions are carried out
i) Increase in the speed in same direction.
ii) Decrease in the speed.
iii) Speed reversal.
i)  Time taken for a given change in speed depends on inertia of motor load system and the amount by which motor torque exceeds the load torque. Increase in motor torque is accompanied by an increase in motor current.
ii) Deceleration occurs when load torque exceeds the motor torque. Reducing the motor torque to zero alone does not provide enough deceleration, mechanical or electric braking may be employed.

30.  What do you understand by constant torque?
A variable speed drive is called constant torque drive if the drive‘s maximum torque capability does not change with a change in speed setting. The corresponding mode (or region) of operation is called constant torque mode.

31.  State and explain the disadvantages of using a motor of wrong rating.
Use of a motor having insufficient rating, either fails to drive the load or lowers the productivity and reliability through frequent damages and shut downs due to overloading of the motor.

32.  List out the drawbacks  of electric drive
They require a continuous power supply, particularly in vehicle propulsion. The power supply equipment needs to be carried on board, requires lot space and it’s bulky. Problems of saturation of iron and cooling make the electric motor have a lower power /weight ratio.

33.  State the conditions for acceleration and decelerating steady state stability of motor load system?
TM>TL i.e., dw/dt>0 i.e., the drive will be accelerating, in particular, picking up speed to reach rated speed.
TM<TL  i.e., dw/dt<0 i.e., the drive will be decelerating and particularly coming to rest.

Part - B
UNIT – 1

1.     State the essential parts of electrical drive. What are the functions of power modulator?                                                                                                                        8
2.     What are the main factors which decide the choice of electrical drive for a given application?                                                                                                                8
3.      Derive the fundamental torque equations for a motor load system.                                6
4.     Explain in detail about  steady state  stability equilibrium  point in electrical drive      10
5.     List the common factors to be considered  for selecting a motor                                    8
A number of factors go into the selection of a machine for a particular application:
a.     Cost
b.     Thermal capacity
c.     Efficiency
d.     Torque – speed profile
e.     Acceleration
f.      Power density, volume of the motor
g.     Ripple, cogging torques
h.     Robustness
i.      Peak torque capability
6.     Discuss the different modes of operation of an electric drive.                                          8
7.     A motor is coupled to a load having the  following characteristics
Motor: T m = 15-0.5 Wm
Load T l = 0.5 W m2.
Find out the stable operating point for this condition.
8.     Explain about electrical and mechanical characteristics of commonly used electric motors?                                                                                                                16
9.     Derive an equation to find out equivalent load torque in motor load system with translational and rotational motion?                                                                                       8
10.  A drive has following equations for motor and load torque T=(1+2Wm) and Tl=3(Wm)½. Obtain the equilibrium points and determine their steady state stability.                          6
11.  Draw and explain the speed  torque characteristics  of various types of loads      8
12.  Explain in detail about  the multi  quadrant  dynamics  of electric drives                         8
13.  A motor drives two loads. One has rotational motion. It is coupled to the motor through a reduction gear with a = 0.1 and efficiency of 90%. The load has a moment of inertia of 10 kg-m2 and a torque of 10 N-m. Other load has translational motion and consists of 1000kg weight to be lifted up at a uniform speed of 1.5 m/s. coupling between this load and the motor has an efficiency of 85%. Motor has inertia of 0.2 kg-m2 and runs at a constant speed of 1420 rpm. Determine equivalent inertia referred to the motor shaft and power developed by the motor.
14.  Explain  how the following  speed transients  are carried out: i) increase in speed  in same direction ii) decrease speed in same direction iii) speed reversal

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